Delivery time is 2 to 3 days except InGround Trampolines, 5 to 7 days.
Farm Toy Rolly X-Trac Premium JCB . Made in Germany by Rolly for Outdoor Fun . Strong and Robust just like the real thing.
Rolly X-Trac Premium JCB Ages: 3 – 12 years, incl. rollyTrac Lader Premium, front loader easily to be attached, front loader easily removable, integrated front fenders, length and height-adjustable seat, rollover bar, the hood can be opened.
Age : 3 to 12
Colour: Yellow
Size : 154 x 56.5 x 91
Weight : 19.2kg
Rolly JCB X-Trac Premium With LoaderRolly X-Trac Premium JCB Ages: 3 – 12 years, incl. Rolly Trac Loader Premium, front loader easily to be attached, front loader easily removable, integrated front fenders, length and height-adjustable seat, rollover bar, the hood can be opened, storage place under the hood, low-noise wheel tread band, adjustable chain tension, protected chain drive, optimized turning circle by stub axle steering, front- and rear coupling, functional accessories can be added |
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